
May Berkouwer has published the following:

The Queen’s Ante-chamber Wall-Hangings at Ham House, Due to be published in the post-prints of the Icon Textile Forum, 2014.

Appendix 1. The Queen’s Ante-chamber Wall-Hangings and Related Damasks in ‘Ham House 400 Years of Collecting and Patronage,’ edited by Christopher Rowell, published for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art and the National Trust, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2013.

A Forgotten Restoration. The 19th Century Restoration of the 17th Century Queen’s Antechamber Wallhangings at Ham House in ‘Het Onzichbare Restaureren’, post-prints of the Presentation at BRK APROA Conference 17-18 November 2011. Published by Onroerend Erfgoed/Agence du Patromoine de Flander/Flanders Heritage Agency, Brussels, 2012.

Peeling back the Layers at Ham House – Textile conservation reveals a forgotten 19th-century intervention in the National Trust Arts Buildings Collections Bulletin, Autumn Issue October 2010.

Conservation and Weave Analysis reveals another layer of history on 17th century Wallhangings at Ham House, Surrey, England in Post-prints of the ICOM-CC Working groups Meeting in Rome, co-written with Gerda Koppatz, 2010.

Is the Bird a Bustard? in Tapestry Conservation Maintaining the woven picture, post-prints of Forum of the ICON Textile Group, 24 April 2006.

The Conservation of Ecclesiastical Textiles in Ecclesiastical Textiles, Post-prints of the Joint Forum for Conservation Issues, organised by the Council for the Care of Churches in London on 20 November 2001.



Conservation Treatment of 19th century Silk Damask Fixed Wall Coverings at Brodsworth Hall in ‘Solutions – The Influence of Locations on Treatments’, Post prints of the Forum of the UKIC Textile Section held at The Museum of London on 19 April 1999.

A Klucel Treatment for Silk Fibres on Tassels and Trimmings, in ‘Starch pastes and other carbohydrate adhesives for use in textile conservation’, Post prints of the Adhesives Forum II, organised by UKIC Textile Section, 1994.

Freezing to eradicate Insect Pests in Textiles at Brodsworth Hall in The Conservator published by UKIC, Number 18, 1994.

Textiles at Brodsworth Hall, co-author D. Church, published in English Heritage Conservation Bulletin, Issue 19, March 1993.

Suffragette Banner ”The Office”, early 20th century, poster text in post-prints of Forum ‘Compromising Situations’ by UKIC Textile Section.

The Conservation of Tassels and Trimmings from Castle Coole in Conservation of Furnishing Textiles, Conference Post-prints, edited by A. French, published by SSCR, 1990.

Insect Pest Control Programme for the Textile Department of the National Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology, Lima, Peru, 1989.

La Preservacion y el Almacenamiento de los textiles del Museo Nacional de Historia in Historia y Cultura, Revista del Museo Nacional de Historia, numero 18, Lima, Peru, Octubre 1989.